Bedlam ~ in the Bear Room!
Well… what an interesting situation we found ourselves in recently!
At Exceptional Bears we are a fairly easy-going, democratic bunch and any bear who wants can join in any of our numerous activities. Although, it is mostly the same small group that are regularly involved the organisation and planning, usually Bear, Meg Bear and their usual motley ‘pick’ of the bears!
Which was quite challenging when we had two spectacular new arrivals join us this month!
Please welcome URSULA…
These stunningly beautiful bears, created by a hugely talented bear-maker from France, will hopefully become an integral part of the Exceptional Bears HUG and join in all our adventures as we move towards an exciting 2020!
Please welcome GALAHAD …
This year we appear to have a particularly strong contingent of ‘Grizzly’s’, who certainly know their own minds!
And even after several discussions to explain the imminent arrival of these new bears… two unknown ‘grizzly’ type bears showing up on their ‘turf’ did NOT go down well.
So with the best intentions, a lot of head scratching and no discussion with me, Bear and his merry band apparently decided that they had better check out different types of ‘Bear tendencies’!
Without further ado, this what they found and have been encouraging us to sing all around Exceptional Bear HQ this week…
(With huge credit to Mr Key Wilde and his partner Mr Clark! Definitely worth waiting out the 5 second ad!)
But they didn’t take into consideration the competitive nature of Grizzly bears. These bears do like to be the ‘boss’ wherever they can!
New unknown bears in the Bear Room… this was not going well, way too much grumbling and growling was heard ☹
Bear and his little group of helpers had decided that they would come up with an idea to try and integrate our ‘Grizzlys’ into the rest of the Exceptional Bear group.
We have noticed that the Grizzlys are quite territorial about their own small spaces and will always find either the same small corner, the top of a cupboard or bookcase/shelf to ‘nest’ in for sleeping.
Most of our ‘grizzly’s’ are solitary bears, unless they have an ‘Anniversary Edition’, who follows along with them just as a baby bear would ?
All our Grizzly’s tend to stick around each other, rather than mixing with the other bears in our HUG. So watching them is much like having a group of toddlers at the ‘parallel play’ stage!
Bear, Meg Bear and I sat down and after much discussion we created several smaller spaces for like-minded grizzly bear groups to call their own, plus allocated job roles for boosting ‘Grizzly’ confidence and respect!
- The Diesels have offered to collect and encourage each bear as they are selected for adoption.
- The Malcolms will make sure that they have all their own belongings before moving out.
- The Seths are happy to help with the ‘moving out’ spa sessions, ensuring every bear will look their best!
- The Slothy Joes will do the checking to ensure all shipping labels are accurate.
- The Kojaks are going to print out all the paperwork for each bear’s adoption.
- Lastly, Shades and Oakley will assist anyone who needs advice or support!
Peace and calm was once more restored to the Bear Room and the all other bears gave a collective sigh of relief ?
Galahad and Ursula retired to a quiet corner of their own, where many of the smaller bears have been visiting to sit and hear interesting tales from their previous life in France.
More of those adventures in another blog post…
Have a great week and let me and Bear know if you and your bears have any thoughts on this post or have had any unusual adventures!
~ Sue and Bear
Just drop us a ‘Hello!’