An Exceptional Announcement…
From Exceptional Bears!
All our good friends who read this blog regularly will understand the important bond that Bear and I have had since we met on my very first birthday.
Bear has been with me for the ride through life, during the fun times and some extremely challenging situations.
He has been a resolutely trusted confidant, travel companion and now even has a firm place at the helm of Exceptional Bears, along with his best friend Meg Bear!
So, working with the theory that a teddy bear or other ‘special’ soft toy can often become a child’s best friend, during the past few ‘staff meetings’…
We have come up with ‘A Grand Plan’!
It all started when the Curiosity Cupboard was granted ‘Collection’ status. The bears from The Cupboard now graduate with their own certificate when they are adopted and move on to new homes.
Bear and I are so proud when they move to live with their new families.
Recently Bear, Meg Bear and I were sitting around with several of the new graduates and we were all pondering if we could do anything ‘long-term’ to celebrate their achievement in moving to new homes.
The conversation moved to how important Teddy Bears can be to children as transitional objects, being their own safe and comforting possession. Children usually choose these objects when they are soft and cuddly.
They become a child’s most familiar, safe object and can be a hugely important part of positive emotional development and a supportive aid in how well the child manages to cope with stress.
This discussion moved on to how sad it was that many children don’t have the luxury of a safe, secure environment or even a special toy of their own whilst growing up.
At this point, Bear, Meg Bear and I started wondering whether there was anything we could do to help these children to have their own ‘security-blanket’ bear?
After a bit of research Bear and Meg Bear did their usual trick… of solving a problem!
They came and told me that they had found an amazing charity run by the former BBC Hereford and Worcester radio host, Ellie Targett. She has set up ‘The Teddy Trust’ in Herefordshire, to send teddy bears to as many children as she could, to help them deal with stressful and traumatic incidents in their lives.
Former UK Prime Minister David Cameron said:
“The Teddy Trust is a brilliant initiative, offering children all over the world a little comfort when they need it most. Already Ellie has sent 25,000 bears to children who have lost everything through conflict or trauma. She is a point of light in their lives and an inspiration to us all.”
So we at Exceptional Bears, have decided that we will make a donation from the adoption fee of every graduate from the Curiosity Cupboard Collection and send a donation of bears to The Teddy Trust in their names each month.
We checked the graduates ‘Roll Call’ and realised that we have had 10 graduates move to new homes since the 1st June 2019.
Graduates ‘Roll Call’ June ~ July 2019
Charlie Bears:
Abigail, Adele
Caleb, Chanelle
Cheeky Monkey, Dougie
Evie, Lauren
Olive, Tiff Toff
So our first donation to The Teddy Trust goes in all their names ?
Two gorgeous Giorgio Beverley Hills bears – 2000 and 20th Anniversary, will be travelling to The Teddy Trust headquarters next week to help spread bear hugs to children who desperately need cuddles!
We hope that you will continue to adopt our Curiosity Cupboard Collection bears to allow Exceptional Bears to support this amazing lady, Ellie Targett and The Teddy Trust with her exceptional work for the children who will always need a Bear Hug!
Have a great week and let me and Bear know if you and your bears have any thoughts on this post or have had any unusual adventures!
~ Sue and Bear
Just drop us a ‘Hello!’