About Us
Exceptional Bears Spread Smiles!
At Exceptional Bears ‘HQ’, we have spent many years happily collecting and hugging our way through a very large collection of our favourite Bears.
Until we realised that either we would have to live in the shed at the bottom of the garden or start moving bears out to allow for us to continue our hobby (or by now addiction) of continually collecting adorable ‘huggable’ bears.
The house was becoming full of shelves, cupboards and every available space groaning with bears and accompanying accessories. One day we decided that to save becoming serious ‘hoarders’, we’d have to do something pretty quickly!
To this end we decided to ‘rehome’ some of our ever increasing bear family… an almost impossible task!
As we invested in new bears, it got easier to let selected bears go… to ‘good homes’.
At the point when friends and family began asking if we had got, or could get ‘such and such’ a bear, we decided to make this a ‘going concern’ and Exceptional Bears was born!
We have now spent several years of having great fun using our hobby as ‘work’, met some amazing people and been to some incredible places.
So, we have decided to conquer the internet and bring Exceptional Bears straight to you!
We hope you will find the bears on our shelves as captivating and adorable as we do.
Hug A Bear And Smile!
Cliffe and Sue ?
Please do get in touch and let us have your ideas, comments and suggestions.
We love hearing your views and will answer every one!
(Modelled by Charlie Bears – Woodford (above) and Frost!)